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Board of Trustees

In the mid-1940s, three decades after its founding, Presidio Hill School was constituted as a nonprofit membership corporation governed by a parent/guardian-led board of trustees.

The corporation is composed of all parents/guardians of current students, the Head of School, and full-time faculty and staff. The corporation elects the board of trustees, whose primary responsibilities include: safeguarding the school's mission; overseeing its annual finances; planning for its long-term development and sustainability; selecting, evaluating, and supporting the Head of School; and helping to lead fundraising efforts. Trustees include current parents, the Head of School, staff members, alumni and alumni parents, and individuals drawn from the community at large.

The Presidio Hill School Board of Trustees does much of its work in committees and meets as a full board roughly once a month between September and June. For more information about individual board members, go to the Trustees page.

Board Responsibilities

Board responsibilities include:

  • Upholding and safeguarding the school’s mission
  • Selecting, evaluating and supporting the Head of School
  • Assessing the performance of the school
  • Overseeing the school’s financial condition
  • Monitoring facility uses and needs
  • Contributing to the school’s fundraising efforts
  • Supporting the school’s programs and special events
  • Serving as ambassadors for the school in the larger community
  • Undertaking long-range planning to ensure the school’s financial and programmatic health and sustainability

Board Committees

The standing committees of the board include: Executive, Finance, Development, DEIJB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Belonging), Building & Grounds, and Trustees.

Additional committees, subcommittees and task forces are formed on an as-needed basis; in the recent past these have included: the Strategic Planning Task Force and the Communications Task Force.

2023-2024 Board of Trustees

Seema Dala, Co-Chair
• Jonathan Maguire, Co-Chair
Michelle Chan, Secretary
Kristel Leow, Treasurer

Susan Andrews, Community Trustee
Douglas Boyle, Trustee
Wendy Horng Brawer, Community Trustee
Michael Brown, Trustee
• Stephanie Denzer, Trustee
• Stefanie Ikeda, Trustee

Lisa Jeli, Head of School
Martine Krumholz, Trustee
Nicole Lavallee, Trustee
Catherine Lee, Trustee
• Robyn Mandel, Community Trustee
Gabriel Mass, Community Trustee
Linda Peters, Trustee
Byron Philhour, Trustee
Jean Riney-Niewiadomski, Trustee
Ashley Tevatia, Trustee
Daniela Wehmeyer, Faculty Representative
• Georgia Young, Trustee
• Peter Young, Trustee