Curriculum & Benchmarks
As is true of all truly progressive schools, curriculum and curriculum creation is a living, breathing thing at Presidio Hill.
While teachers keep a close watch on the skills and benchmarks we expect students to reach at the end of each year, they also stay current with professionally published standards and material for various subjects. Our teachers are continually making curricular decisions and innovations based on those resources. Of equal importance is continual awareness of the moment-to-moment experiences of the students in front of them: what are the students’ needs and interests? What questions are they asking? What are they telling adults that they need and want to know? A hallmark of a progressive school such as ours is the ability to seize and savor many more “teachable moments” than is true in traditional schools and to leverage situations on the school, local, national, and international levels as learning opportunities.
Benchmarks represent the skills and concepts that students are expected to have learned by the end of the year for each grade level.
Learning is demonstrated through a variety of means including but not limited to projects, group work, performances, classroom discussions, journals, portfolios, and traditional assessments, such as end of unit tests, quizzes and papers. These are criterion-referenced assessments; students are not compared to one another, but rather their work is compared to the criteria stated in each benchmark. These benchmarks were created through a process involving all teachers, and are reviewed and updated periodically.
Click below the read the benchmarks for a particular grade.
Presidio Hill School Benchmarks
- Transitional Kindergarten
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- 6th Grade
- 7th Grade
- 8th Grade
Transitional Kindergarten
- Work Habits
Expresses ideas clearly
Completes work carefully and thoroughly
Demonstrates active listening
Follows oral directions
Handles transitions appropriately
Works well independently
Works well in pairs and groups
- Social Emotional Development
Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and respect; considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Displays self control and manages impulsivity
- Reading
- Demonstrates phonological awareness
- Recognizes and names all upper case letters and many lower case letters
- Demonstrates basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondence
- Recognizes his/her name, names of classmates, and some sight words and environmental print
- Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print
- Retells key events of stories and recalls important facts/information from a text read aloud
- Writing
Writes first name
- Prints upper case letters with appropriate directionality
- Uses dictation and drawings to convey meaning
- Writes beginning and ending consonants of a word
- Speaking and Listening
- Uses appropriate volume
- Speaks clearly and communicates effectively
- Makes statements and asks questions that show thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Identifies oneself as a responsible member of a community
- Understands cause and effect relationships
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Counts objects using one-to-one correspondence
- Counts up to 30
- Recognizes and writes numerals 0-10
- Sorts objects into categories based on attributes
- Identifies and creates basic geometric shapes
- Demonstrates curiosity through questioning, observation, and investigation
- Makes hypotheses from observations and information
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Understands all beginning musical concepts such as fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft, sustained and sudden
- Moves rhythmically and freely
- Shows understanding of group skills such as sharing space, working together, taking turns, listening and making choices
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Demonstrates control of tools
- Follows multi-step directions
- Uses materials and classroom space safely
- Fully participates in classroom clean-up
- Work Habits
- Expresses ideas clearly
- Completes work carefully and thoroughly
- Demonstrates active listening
- Follows oral directions
- Handles transitions appropriately
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and respect; considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Displays self control and manages impulsivity
- Reading
- Demonstrates phonological awareness
- Recognizes and names all upper and lower case letters
- Demonstrates basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondence
- Recognizes names of other children, sight words, and environmental print
- Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print
- Recalls important information including characters, setting, and key events of stories
- Writing
- Writes first and last name
- Prints upper case letters with appropriate directionality
- Prints lower case letters with appropriate directionality
- Uses dictation, drawings, letters and words to convey meaning
- Writes beginning and ending consonants of a word
- Begins to use capitalization and punctuation
- Speaking and Listening
- Uses appropriate volume
- Speaks clearly and communicates effectively
- Makes statements and asks questions that show thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Identifies oneself as a responsible member of a community
- Understands cause and effect relationships
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Number Sense and Operations
- Counts, reads and writes numerals to 120
- Counts by 1's, 2’s, 5’s, 10's up to 120
- Understands and identifies place value to tens
- Represents and solves addition problems within 20
- Represents and solves subtraction problems within 20
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Sorts and classifies objects according to defining attributes
- Identifies and creates 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Measures in non-standard and standard units
- Compares and orders objects by length and height
- Tells and writes time to the half-hour, in both analog and digital formats
- Recognizes, names, and understands halves and fourths/quarters
- Collect, represent, describe, and interpret data
- Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
- Recognizes, extends, and creates repeating patterns
- Understands the relationship between addition and subtraction
- Demonstrates curiosity through questioning, observation, and investigation
- Makes hypotheses from observations and information
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Music
- Understands all beginning musical concepts such as fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft, sustained and sudden
- Moves rhythmically and freely
- Shows understanding of group skills such as sharing space, working together, taking turns, listening and making choices
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Physical Education
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Art
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Demonstrates control of tools
- Follows multi-step directions
- Uses materials and classroom space safely
- Fully participates in classroom clean-up
1st Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Expresses ideas clearly
- Completes work carefully and thoroughly
- Demonstrates active listening
- Follows oral directions
- Handles transitions appropriately
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and respect; considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Displays self control and manages impulsivity
- Demonstrates growth mindset
- Reading
- Demonstrates phonological awareness
- Knows and applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words
- Uses words, illustrations, and context clues to retell a story and identify story elements
- Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
- Writing
- Prints upper and lower case letters with appropriate directionality
- Uses capitalization and punctuation appropriately
- Uses known spelling patterns and rules to approximate spelling for phonetically regular words
- Spells high frequency “trick” words correctly
- Communicates ideas clearly in writing
- Uses elements of the writing process (brainstorms, drafts, revises, edits, publishes)
- Uses illustrations to match and enhance storyline
- Speaking and Listening
- Uses appropriate volume
- Speaks clearly and communicates effectively
- Stays on topic by linking his/her comments to the remarks of others
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Identifies oneself as a responsible member of a community
- Understands cause and effect relationships
- Distinguishes opinion from fact
- Demonstrates basic map skills
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Number Sense and Operations
- Counts, reads and writes numerals to 120
- Counts by 1's, 2’s, 5’s, 10's up to 120
- Understands and identifies place value to tens
- Represents and solves addition problems within 20
- Represents and solves subtraction problems within 20
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Sorts and classifies objects according to defining attributes
- Identifies and creates 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Measures in non-standard and standard units
- Compares and orders objects by length and height
- Tells and writes time to the half-hour, in both analog and digital formats
- Recognizes, names, and understands halves and fourths/quarters
- Collect, represent, describe, and interpret data
- Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
- Recognizes, extends, and creates repeating patterns
- Understands the relationship between addition and subtraction
- Demonstrates curiosity through questioning, observation, and investigation
- Makes hypotheses from observations and information
- Draws descriptions of a sequence of steps, events, or observations
- Generates reasonable and possible solutions to a problem
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Spanish Skill Development
- Uses new vocabulary words
- Verbally describes illustrations
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions or physical cues in Spanish
- Expresses listening comprehension using physical responses
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Music
- Understands all beginning musical concepts such as fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft, sustained and sudden
- Moves rhythmically and freely
- Shows understanding of group skills such as sharing space, working together, taking turns, listening and making choices
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as part of an ensemble
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Physical Education
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Art
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Demonstrates control of tools
- Follows multi-step directions
- Uses materials and classroom space safely
- Fully participates in classroom clean-up
2nd Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Expresses ideas clearly
- Completes work carefully and thoroughly
- Demonstrates active listening
- Follows oral directions
- Follows written directions
- Handles transitions appropriately
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and respect; considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Displays self control and manages impulsivity
- Demonstrates growth mindset
- Reading
- Demonstrates phonological awareness
- Knows and applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words
- Uses words, illustrations, and context clues to retell a story and identify story elements
- Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
- Writing
- Prints upper and lower case letters with appropriate directionality
- Uses capitalization and punctuation appropriately
- Uses known spelling patterns and rules to approximate spelling for phonetically regular words
- Spells high frequency “trick” words correctly
- Communicates ideas clearly in writing
- Uses elements of the writing process (brainstorms, drafts, revises, edits, publishes)
- Uses illustrations to match and enhance storyline
- Speaking and Listening
- Uses appropriate volume
- Speaks clearly and communicates effectively
- Stays on topic by linking his/her comments to the remarks of others
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Identifies oneself as a responsible member of a community
- Understands cause and effect relationships
- Distinguishes opinion from fact
- Demonstrates basic map skills
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Number Sense and Operations
- Counts by 1's, 2’s, 5’s, 10's and 100's up to 1,000
- Understands and identifies place value to hundreds
- Adds fluently within 20
- Subtracts fluently within 20
- Represents and solves addition and subtraction problems within 100
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Describes and classifies regular and irregular 2-D and 3-D shapes
- Identifies the fractional parts of whole shapes
- Partitions circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, using appropriate math vocabulary (halves, third, fourths, etc.)
- Measures and compares in standard and metric units
- Tells and writes time to nearest 5 minutes in both analog and digital formats
- Solves word problems using US currency
- Collect, represent, describe, and interpret data
- Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
- Recognizes, extends, and creates repeating numerical patterns
- Solves addition and subtraction problems with unknowns in all positions
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Makes hypotheses from observations and information
- Writes or draws descriptions of a sequence of steps, events, or observations
- Generates reasonable and possible solutions to a problem
- Gives reasonable explanations for conclusions
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Spanish Skill Development
- Uses new vocabulary words
- Verbally describes illustrations
- Identifies main ideas in Spanish texts
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions or physical cues in Spanish
- Expresses listening comprehension using physical responses
- Successfully completes projects
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Music
- Understands all beginning musical concepts such as fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft, sustained and sudden
- Moves rhythmically and freely
- Shows understanding of group skills such as sharing space, working together, taking turns, listening and making choices
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as part of an ensemble
- Composes simple, original melodies on Orff instruments
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Physical Education
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Art
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Demonstrates control of tools
- Follows multi-step directions
- Uses materials and classroom space safely
- Fully participates in classroom clean-up
3rd Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Expresses ideas clearly
- Completes assignments carefully and thoroughly
- Demonstrates active listening
- Follows oral directions
- Follows written directions
- Handles transitions appropriately
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Advocates for others
- Demonstrates growth mindset
- Digital Literacy & Citizenship
- Uses technology and information safely and responsibly; is a positive digital citizen
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills: evaluates digital sources for usefulness and credibility
- Uses and credits information from a variety of resources & media
- Reading
- Knows and applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words
- Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
- Uses words, illustrations, and context clues to retell a story and identify story elements
- Identifies the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe
- Asks and answers questions to demonstrate understanding of a text
- Writing
- Writes legibly and uses appropriate spacing
- Uses capitalization and punctuation appropriately
- Uses known spelling patterns and rules to approximate spelling for phonetically regular words
- Spells high frequency “trick” words correctly
- Communicates ideas clearly in writing
- Uses the writing process effectively: brainstorms, drafts, revises, edits, publishes
- Demonstrates use of character, plot, setting and conflict in fiction writing
- Speaking and Listening
- Speaks clearly and communicates effectively
- Stays on topic by linking his/her comments to the remarks of others
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Identifies oneself as a responsible member of a community
- Understands cause and effect relationships
- Distinguishes opinion from fact
- Demonstrates basic map skills
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models and equations
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Attends to precision
- Number Sense and Operations
- Adds and subtracts fluently within 1,000
- Multiplies and divides fluently within 50
- Uses place value understanding to represent and solve multi-digit problems
- Demonstrates conceptual understanding of fractions as numbers
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Describes and identifies attributes of polygons and polyhedrons
- Identifies the fractional parts of whole shapes
- Solves problems involving length, perimeter, and area
- Tells and writes time to nearest 5 minutes in both analog and digital formats
- Collect, represent, describe, and interpret data
- Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
- Recognizes, extends, and creates repeating numerical patterns
- Solves for the unknown in problems involving all four operations
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Records, arranges, presents and interprets data using tables and various types of graphs
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Develops reasonable hypotheses
- Plans and conducts investigations
- Gathers data using simple instruments
- Develops and uses models
- Answers questions using scientific resources and observations
- Formulates conclusions using knowledge and evidence
- Effectively communicates results of experiments and can support arguments with evidence
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Spanish Skill Development
- Uses new vocabulary words
- Verbally describes illustration
- Writes simple sentences
- Identifies main ideas in Spanish texts
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions when delivered in Spanish
- Responds to questions and prompts with one word or memorized phrases
- Successfully completes projects
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Music
- Understands all beginning musical concepts such as fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft, sustained and sudden
- Moves rhythmically and freely
- Shows understanding of group skills such as sharing space, working together, taking turns, listening and making choices
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as part of an ensemble
- Composes simple, original melodies on Orff instruments
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Physical Education
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Art
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Uses a variety of art tools skillfully
- Perseveres to find alternate solutions when faced with creative problems
- Carefully observes and shares ideas about artwork with peers
- Completes assignments thoughtfully
- Is focused and engaged during class discussions and demonstrations
- Takes responsibility for materials, and participates in classroom clean-up
4th Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Expresses ideas clearly
- Completes assignments carefully and thoroughly
- Demonstrates active listening
- Follows oral and written directions
- Handles transitions appropriately
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Advocates for others
- Demonstrates challenge-seeking and resilience
- Digital Literacy & Citizenship
- Uses technology and information safely and responsibly; is a positive digital citizen
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills: evaluates digital sources for usefulness and credibility
- Uses and credits information from a variety of resources & media
- Reading
- Knows and applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words
- Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
- Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in texts and in vocabulary study
- Able to read and comprehend text independently across a variety of genres
- Identifies the main idea or theme and supporting details in a text
- Asks and answers questions to demonstrate understanding of a text
- Knows and uses various text features to locate key facts or information efficiently
- Writing
- Writes legibly and uses appropriate spacing
- Uses capitalization and punctuation appropriately
- Uses appropriate conventions in grammar and spelling
- Uses the writing process effectively: brainstorms, drafts, revises, edits, publishes
- Writes a paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence
- Demonstrates use of character, plot, setting, and conflict in fiction writing
- Supports non-fiction writing with facts from research
- Speaking and Listening
- Communicates effectively in a variety of settings
- Stays on topic by linking his/her comments to the remarks of others
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Places key events and people in historical eras using timelines
- Describes cause and effect relationships
- Distinguishes opinion from fact
- Determines locations of places and interprets information on maps and globes
- Uses evidence to develop and support ideas
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models and equations
- Attends to precision
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Number Sense and Operations
- Multiplies and divides fluently within 100
- Multiplies and divides to solve word problems including multiplicative comparison problems
- Identifies prime and composite numbers
- Uses place value understanding to solve multi-digit arithmetic
- Reads, writes and represents multi-digit whole numbers
- Uses place value to round
- Compares fractions with like and unlike denominators
- Adds and subtracts fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators
- Reads, writes, compares, and adds decimals in tenths and hundredths
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Draws and identifies lines and angles
- Classifies polygons by their sides and angles
- Measures and compares the size of angles
- Calculates the perimeter and area of squares and rectangles
- Identifies lines of symmetry
- Measures accurately using measurement tools to determine lengths
- Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
- Generates a number pattern to follow a given rule
- Models mathematical situations using tables and notation, including letters, to represent quantities
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Organizes, represents, and analyzes measurement data
- Interprets data to draw conclusions and identify mode and median of a data set
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Develops reasonable hypotheses
- Plans and conducts investigations
- Gathers data using simple instruments
- Develops and uses models
- Answers questions using scientific resources and observations
- Formulates conclusions using knowledge and evidence
- Effectively communicates results of experiments and can support arguments with evidence
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Spanish Skill Development
- Correctly uses new vocabulary words in oral and written communication
- Recognizes cognates
- Verbally describes illustrations
- Writes simple sentences
- Identifies main ideas in Spanish texts
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions when delivered in Spanish
- Responds to questions and prompts with memorized phrases and simple sentences in Spanish
- Successfully completes projects, assignments and class activities
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Music
- Understands all beginning musical concepts such as fast and slow, high and low, loud and soft, sustained and sudden
- Moves rhythmically and freely
- Shows understanding of group skills such as sharing space, working together, taking turns, listening and making choices
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as part of an ensemble
- Composes simple, original melodies on Orff instruments
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Physical Education
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Art
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Uses a variety of art tools skillfully
- Perseveres to find alternate solutions when faced with creative problems
- Carefully observes and shares ideas about artwork with peers
- Completes assignments thoughtfully
- Is focused and engaged during class discussions and demonstrations
- Takes responsibility for materials, and participates in classroom clean-up
5th Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Expresses ideas clearly
- Completes assignments carefully and thoroughly
- Demonstrates active listening
- Follows oral and written directions
- Handles transitions appropriately
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Turns in homework completed and on time
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Advocates for others
- Demonstrates challenge-seeking and resilience
- Digital Literacy & Citizenship
- Uses technology and information safely and responsibly; is a positive digital citizen
- Collaborates, communicates, and innovates on digital projects and online
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills: evaluates, analyzes, and synthesizes information
- Uses and credits information from a variety of resources & media
- Reading
- Knows and applies grade level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding words
- Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
- Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in texts and in vocabulary study
- Able to read and comprehend text independently across a variety of genres
- Uses reading strategies to summarize, analyze and form an opinion based on textual evidence
- Asks and answers both literal and interpretive questions to demonstrate understanding of a text
- Knows and uses various text features to locate key facts or information efficiently
- Writing
- Writes legibly and uses appropriate spacing
- Follows the conventions of standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Uses the writing process effectively: brainstorms, drafts, revises, edits, publishes
- Writes essays with topic sentences, supporting details, and a conclusion
- Establishes a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict in fiction writing
- Synthesizes information from print and digital sources to write informative texts
- Speaking and Listening
- Communicates effectively in a variety of settings
- Stays on topic by linking his/her comments to the remarks of others
- Makes statements and asks questions that show active listening and relevant thinking
- Follows agreed upon rules for discussion
- Social Studies
- Places key events and people in historical eras using timelines
- Describes cause and effect relationships
- Distinguishes opinion from fact
- Determines locations of places and interprets information on maps and globes
- Uses evidence to develop and support ideas
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models and equations
- Attends to precision
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Number Sense and Operations
- Multiplies and divides fluently within 144
- Multiplies and divides multi-digit whole numbers
- Applies understanding of fractions to perform operations
- Finds decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions
- Performs all operations with decimals and fractions
- Uses understanding of place value to work with decimals and powers of ten
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Determines the measurements of angles
- Classifies polygons based on properties
- Graphs points on the coordinate plane to solve problems
- Solves problems involving length, perimeter, and area
- Solves problems involving volume and mass
- Converts units within a given measurement system
- Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
- Analyzes numerical patterns to make predictions and solve problems
- Finds the unknown in simple linear equations
- Finds factors and multiples of whole numbers
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Records, arranges, presents and interprets data using tables and various types of graphs
- Predicts the probability of events and represents probability as a fraction and percent
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Develops reasonable hypotheses
- Plans and conducts investigations
- Gathers data using simple instruments
- Develops and uses models
- Answers questions using scientific resources and observations
- Formulates conclusions using knowledge and evidence
- Effectively communicates results of experiments and can support arguments with evidence
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Spanish Skill Development
- Correctly uses new vocabulary words in oral and written communication
- Recognizes cognates
- Recognizes present tense conjugations of -AR –ER and –IR verbs
- Correctly uses subject pronouns
- Verbally describes illustrations or pictures using correct grammar
- Writes a description of an illustration using correct grammar
- Uses correct adjectives and agreement rules
- Writes simple stories using correct grammar
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions when delivered in Spanish
- Responds to questions and prompts with simple sentences in Spanish
- Successfully completes projects, assignments and class activities
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Music
- Listens to other musicians in the ensemble and plays responsively
- Uses singing voice in a healthy and appropriate manner
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Reproduces simple melodies, including proper pitches and rhythmic patterns, by ear
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as a part of an ensemble
- Composes simple, original melodies on Orff instruments
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Physical Education
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during, and after activities
- Respects individual differences during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Demonstrates proper foot patterns in hopping, skipping, shuffling, running forward, and running backward
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Habits of Mind
- Gives best effort in activities
- Is focused and engaged throughout the class period
- Works constructively with peers and adults
- Art
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Uses a variety of art tools skillfully
- Perseveres to find alternate solutions when faced with creative problems
- Carefully observes and shares ideas about artwork with peers
- Completes assignments thoughtfully
- Is focused and engaged during class discussions and demonstrations
- Takes responsibility for materials, and participates in classroom clean-up
6th Grade
- Work Habits
Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
Demonstrates effort and engagement
Completes work carefully and thoroughly
Works well independently
Works well in pairs and groups
Comes to class on time with necessary materials
Takes responsibility for shared space and materials
Participates in class activities and discussions
Communicates effectively and appropriately in a variety of settings
Turns in homework completed and on time
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Advocates for others
- Demonstrates challenge-seeking and resilience
- Digital Literacy & Citizenship
- Uses technology and information safely and responsibly; is a positive digital citizen
- Collaborates, communicates, and innovates on digital projects and online
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills: evaluates, analyzes, and synthesizes information
- Uses and credits information from a variety of resources & media
- Reading
- Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in texts and in vocabulary study
- Defines and identifies similes and metaphors in text and is able to determine the meaning of literary devices
- Annotates text consistently and thoroughly
- Demonstrates comprehension through critical reading and oral or written analysis
- Writing
- Follows the conventions of standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Develops and strengthens writing through active use of the writing process
- Writes in complete sentences that vary in length, structure, and vocabulary
- Writes a paragraph that includes a topic sentence, supporting details and evidence, and a concluding sentence
- Forms an argument based on evidence and expressed through a thesis statement that effectively guides writing
- Writes a well-organized multi-paragraph essay
- Speaking and Listening
- Makes statements and asks questions that show active listening and relevant thinking
- Social Studies
- Identifies fact, opinion, and bias
- Conducts short research projects
- Uses proper citations and provides basic bibliographic information for sources
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Citizenship
- Consistently comes to class on time and ready to engage with all aspects of the course
- Creates and maintains organized systems
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models and equations
- Attends to precision
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others
- Number Sense and Operations
- Identifies numbers as rational, prime, composite, and square
- Finds the LCM and GCF of multi-digit numbers
- Compares positive and negative rational numbers using the number line
- Converts between fractions, decimals, and percentages
- Performs the four operations with fractions and mixed numbers, including word problems
- Performs the four operations on decimals, including word problems
- Writes ratios and rates to compare two quantities
- Uses equivalent fractions and equivalent ratios to solve multi-step problems
- Geometry and Measurement
- Calculates area and perimeter of triangles, quadrilaterals, and composite figures
- Calculates volume and surface area of rectangular prisms
- Graphs points in all four quadrants to solve geometric problems
- Algebra
- Evaluates expressions using the order of operations and the distributive property
- Writes expressions and equations in which letters stand for numbers
- Solves one-step linear equations using fact families
- Represents and analyzes relationships between dependent and independent variables using data tables and graphs
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Calculates and interprets summary statistics
- Creates and interprets visual representations of data
- Ratios and Proportional Relationships
- Writes ratios and rates to compare two quantities
- Uses equivalent fractions and equivalent ratios to solve multi-step problems
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Develops reasonable hypotheses
- Plans and conducts a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis
- Works safely and cooperatively during labs
- Uses equipment correctly to obtain accurate results
- Uses evidence from data to reach and support sensible conclusions
- Effectively communicates the steps and results in both written reports and oral presentations
- Recognizes the interconnectedness of systems and the importance of systems thinking
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Spanish Skill Development
- Correctly uses new vocabulary words in oral and written communication
- Recognizes cognates
- Recognizes present tense conjugations of -ar –er and –ir verbs
- Correctly uses subject pronouns
- Verbally describes illustrations or pictures using correct grammar
- Writes a description of an illustration using correct grammar
- Uses correct adjectives and agreement rules
- Writes simple stories using correct grammar
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions when delivered in Spanish
- Responds to questions and prompts with simple sentences in Spanish
- Successfully completes projects, assignments and class activities
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Spanish Participation
- Follows basic instructions when delivered in Spanish
- Responds to questions and prompts with simple sentences in Spanish
- Successfully completes projects, assignments and class activities
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Practices whole body, active listening when listening to and learning music
- Listens to other musicians in the ensemble while playing and "locks in" accordingly
- Uses effective practicing techniques, such as "chunking," slower tempo, repetition
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Reproduces simple melodies, including proper pitches and rhythmic patterns, by ear
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as a part of an ensemble
- Performs simple poly-rhythms
- Composes simple, original melodies on Orff instruments
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during and after a game
- Respects individual differences within the group during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Uses fundamental offensive/defensive strategies
- Demonstrates resilience in learning new skills
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Uses a variety of art tools skillfully
- Perseveres to find alternate solutions when faced with creative problems
- Observes and shares ideas about artwork with peers
- Challenges self to create art that is personally meaningful
- Is focused and engaged during class discussions and demonstrations
- Takes responsibility for materials, and participates in classroom clean-up
7th Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Demonstrates effort and engagement
- Completes work carefully and thoroughly
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Takes responsibility for shared space and materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Communicates effectively and appropriately in a variety of settings
- Turns in homework completed and on time
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Advocates for others
- Demonstrates challenge-seeking and resilience
- Digital Literacy & Citizenship
- Uses technology and information safely and responsibly; is a positive digital citizen
- Collaborates, communicates, and innovates on digital projects and online
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills: evaluates, analyzes, and synthesizes information
- Uses and credits information from a variety of resources & media
- Reading
Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in texts and vocabulary study
Defines and identifies similes and metaphors in text and is able to determine the meaning of literary devices
Annotates text consistently and thoroughly
Demonstrates comprehension through critical reading and oral or written analysis
- Writing
- Follows the conventions of standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Develops and strengthens writing through active use of the writing process
- Writes arguments to support claims with clear reasoning and relevant evidence
- Composes a thesis statement that effectively guides writing
- Writes a well organized multi-paragraph essay
- Speaking and Listening
- Makes statements and asks questions that show active listening and relevant thinking
- Social Studies
- Identifies fact, opinion, and bias
- Conducts short research projects, drawing on multiple sources
- Understands what defines primary and secondary sources
- Uses proper citations and can create a bibliography
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Citizenship
- Consistently comes to class on time and ready to engage with all aspects of the course
- Creates and maintains organized systems
- Mathematical Practices
Mathematical Practices
Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
Represents thinking with visual models and equations
Attends to precision
Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others
Uses appropriate tools strategically
- Number Sense and Operations
- Solves problems involving the four operations on positive and negative rational numbers
- Compares quantities using ratios, rates, differences, and percents
- Geometry and Measurement
- Calculates interior and exterior angle measurements in polygons
- Understands the properties needed to construct polygons
- Constructs geometric figures with given properties
- Identifies scale factor and understands the effect of scaling an image on area, perimeter, and angles
- Uses scaling and proportional relationships to solve geometric problems
- Algebra
Recognizes linear and proportional relationships
Writes linear equations from tables, graphs, and real-life situations
Solves multi-step linear equations with rational numbers
Interprets slope, y-intercept, ordered pairs, and point of intersection in the context of a real-life situation
Data Analysis and Probability
Calculates theoretical probability of independent and compound events
Represents probability and frequency of events using tree diagrams, area models, lists, and tables
Calculates expected value
Uses random sampling to make inferences about a population
Calculates and interprets summary statistics
Creates and interprets visual representations of data
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Develops reasonable hypotheses
- Plans and conducts a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis
- Works safely and cooperatively during labs
- Uses equipment correctly to obtain accurate results
- Uses evidence from data to reach and support sensible conclusions
- Effectively communicates the steps and results in both written reports and oral presentations
- Recognizes the interconnectedness of systems and the importance of systems thinking
- Demonstrates understanding of the principles of ecologic systems
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Follows instructions delivered in Spanish
- Asks and responds to questions in Spanish
- Correctly uses new vocabulary words in oral and written communication
- Recognizes cognates
- Uses interrogatives and generates correct responses to questions
- Successfully conjugates regular verbs in the present tense
- Uses the verb gustar to talk about likes and dislikes
- Uses the verbs necesitar, querer, and tener appropriately
- Follows directions phrased in the imperative tense
- Relates stories about an experience or event
- Understands differences between uses of the verbs ser and estar
- Correctly conjugates irregular verbs in the present tense
- Begins to use and understand past tenses
- Successfully completes projects, assignments and class activities
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Practices whole body, active listening when listening to and learning music
- Listens to other musicians in the ensemble while playing and "locks in" accordingly
- Uses effective practicing techniques, such as "chunking," slower tempo, repetition
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Reproduces simple melodies, including proper pitches and rhythmic patterns, by ear
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as a part of an ensemble
- Performs simple poly-rhythms
- Demonstrates an aural understanding of the 12-bar blues progression
- Improvises over a blues progression using the blues scale
- Reads chord charts fluently
- Composes simple, original melodies on Orff instruments
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during and after a game
- Respects individual differences within the group during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Uses fundamental offensive/defensive strategies
- Demonstrates resilience in learning new skills
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Uses a variety of art tools skillfully
- Perseveres to find alternate solutions when faced with creative problems
- Observes and shares ideas about artwork with peers
- Challenges self to create art that is personally meaningful
- Is focused and engaged during class discussions and demonstrations
- Takes responsibility for materials, and participates in classroom clean-up
8th Grade
- Work Habits
- Demonstrates a love of learning through curiosity and inquiry
- Demonstrates effort and engagement
- Completes work carefully and thoroughly
- Works well independently
- Works well in pairs and groups
- Comes to class on time with necessary materials
- Takes responsibility for shared space and materials
- Participates in class activities and discussions
- Communicates effectively and appropriately in a variety of settings
- Turns in homework completed and on time
- Social Emotional Development
- Accepts responsibility for own actions
- Demonstrates empathy and considers the perspectives of others
- Uses effective conflict resolution strategies
- Advocates for self
- Advocates for others
- Demonstrates challenge-seeking and resilience
- Digital Literacy & Citizenship
- Uses technology and information safely and responsibly; is a positive digital citizen
- Collaborates, communicates, and innovates on digital projects and online
- Demonstrates critical thinking skills: evaluates, analyzes, and synthesizes information
- Uses and credits information from a variety of resources & media
- Reading
- Consistently identifies and defines new vocabulary words while annotating during independent reading
- Defines and identifies similes and metaphors in text and is able to determine the meaning of literary devices
- Independently annotates text while reading
- Demonstrates comprehension through critical reading and oral or written analysis
- Writing
- Follows the conventions of standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling
- Develops and strengthens writing through active use of the writing process
- Composes a persuasive essay of at least 600 words that demonstrates an understanding of pathos, ethos, logos, and concessions
- Composes a critical essay of at least 600 words that successfully analyzes literary texts and demonstrates ability to incorporate and analyze quotations
- Speaking and Listening
- Makes statements and asks questions that show active listening and relevant thinking
- Social Studies
- Identifies fact, opinion, and bias
- Conducts research projects to answer essential and supporting questions, drawing on multiple sources
- Independently organizes information in note form
- Uses proper citations and provides basic bibliographic information for sources
- Demonstrates effective presentation skills
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Citizenship
- Consistently comes to class on time and ready to engage with all aspects of the course
- Creates and maintains organized systems
- Mathematical Practices
- Makes sense of problems and perseveres in solving them
- Represents thinking with visual models and equations
- Attends to precision
- Communicates mathematical thinking effectively
- Reasons abstractly and quantitatively
- Constructs viable arguments and critiques the reasoning of others
- Uses appropriate tools strategically
- Number Sense and Operations
- Performs all four operations with fractions, decimals, percents and integers to solve problems
- Demonstrates understanding of rational and irrational numbers
- Uses exponential and scientific notation
- Uses ratios and proportions to accurately represent quantitative relationships
- Demonstrates understanding of square numbers and finds square roots to simplify computations and solve problems
- Geometry, Measurement, and Data
- Demonstrates understanding of relationships among angles, side lengths, perimeters, areas, and volumes of similar objects
- Understands and applies the Pythagorean Theorem
- Algebra
- Demonstrates understanding of connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations
- Identifies and analyzes linear relationships to solve a variety of problems
- Identifies and analyzes inverse relationships to solve a variety of problems
- Identifies and analyzes exponential relationships to solve a variety of problems
- Recognizes and interprets linear, inverse, exponential, quadratic, and other non-linear relationships using data tables, graphs and equations
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Collects, organizes, and interprets data
- Formulates effective questions for the purpose of data collection
- Creates and uses graphical representations of data
- Interprets measures of center and spread, including standard deviation, residuals, and correlation coefficients
- Makes statements and asks questions that show relevant and independent thinking
- Develops reasonable hypotheses
- Plans and conducts a scientific investigation to test a hypothesis
- Works safely and cooperatively during labs
- Distinguishes between variable and controlled parameters in an experiment
- Evaluates the precision, accuracy and reproducibility of data
- Uses evidence from data to reach and support sensible conclusions
- Communicates the steps and results in written reports and oral presentations
- Recognizes the interconnectedness of systems and the importance of systems thinking
- Demonstrates understanding of content and key concepts in current units
- Follows instructions delivered in Spanish
- Asks and responds to questions in Spanish
- Correctly uses new vocabulary words and recognizes cognates
- Correctly conjugates regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs in present tense
- Correctly conjugates regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs in past tense
- Correctly uses future expressions using the infinitive
- Identifies main ideas in Spanish literature, songs, and articles
- Demonstrates an understanding of the distinctions between ser and estar, and saber and conocer
- Consistently demonstrates an understanding of Tú versus Usted
- Produces the correct conjugation for irregular verbs introduced
- Understands the use of personal pronouns and indirect and direct object pronouns
- Utilizes discursive connectors in long stories
- Successfully completes projects, assignments and class activities
- Shows openness to exploring a culture other than one’s own
- Practices whole body, active listening when listening to and learning music
- Listens to other musicians in the ensemble while playing and "locks in" accordingly
- Uses effective practicing techniques, such as "chunking," slower tempo, repetition
- Maintains steady beat while singing, moving, playing instruments
- Reproduces simple melodies, including proper pitches and rhythmic patterns, by ear
- Performs melodies, bass lines, color parts and rhythm parts as a part of an ensemble
- Performs simple poly-rhythms
- Demonstrates an aural understanding of the 12-bar blues progression
- Improvises over a blues progression using the blues scale
- Reads chord charts fluently
- Composes simple, original melodies on a variety of instruments
- Composes original music comprised of multiple parts including melody, bass line, rhythm
- Displays good sportsmanship before, during and after a game
- Respects individual differences within the group during competitive group activities
- Travels safely in a group
- Maintains continuous aerobic activity for a specified time
- Transfers individual gross motor skills successfully into dynamic game situations
- Uses fundamental offensive/defensive strategies
- Demonstrates resilience in learning new skills
- Experiments enthusiastically with art materials and new ideas
- Uses a variety of art tools skillfully
- Perseveres to find alternate solutions when faced with creative problems
- Carefully observes and shares ideas about artwork with peers
- Challenges self to create art that is personally meaningful
- Is focused and engaged during class discussions and demonstrations
- Takes responsibility for materials, and participates in classroom clean-up