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Education for Sustainability

Education for Sustainability at Presidio Hill School

Our small school and even smaller class sizes allow us to involve students in the design, installation, and monitoring of our school's carbon-neutralizing initiatives. In lower school, students learn about climate change and ways they can support our planet in grade-and-stage-appropriate ways. The Middle School Science curriculum is designed to engage students to participate in the act of resource preservation as studies show that increasing students' environmental knowledge while also employing instructional practices that focus on place-based, local acts of problem solving influence behavior change towards sustainability.

Native Landscaping

Our school grounds have been restored with Californian native plants that help control erosion, limit storm-water run-off, produce oxygen, and serve as an urban habitat for native organisms.  

Smart Irrigation

An automated drip watering system irrigates our campus grounds. Mobile control, automated forecast watering, and weekly usage updates allow our staff and students to monitor our water use habits.

Solar Energy

Rooftop solar panels supply our science room with renewable generated electricity, offsetting some of the lab's energy demands. Students can “plug-in” and experience the variations of the sun’s seasonal intensity.

The science lab features many teachable components.

Low-Flow Water Faucets: The science lab has low-flow faucets, saving 100's of gallons of water per year.

LED Lighting: LED lights offer students a cleaner, healthier, more productive lighting environment, and demonstrates energy-efficient lighting systems.

Motion Sensor Switches: Overhead motion detectors save energy by automatically turning off the lights when occupants leave the room.

Smart Outlets:  Smart outlets teach students about "vampire" electricity.

Soaps, Cleaners & Tissue: Biodegradable soaps, cleaners, and non-bleached tissues are used in the science lab. 

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring: Monitors allow students to see indoor seasonal air quality fluctuations.

Rainwater Harvesting: Students irrigate our vegetable gardens and native plants with captured rainwater. 

Hydroponic Gardens: 6th grade students become “botanists” as they learn the water-saving techniques of “water only” farming. 

Rooftop Worm Farm: Food scraps from student lunches, staff coffee grounds, and veggie crops feed our worms and other compost organisms.

Transportation: Transportation is a main cause of carbon pollution. Our most recent pledge is to limit the number of cars that are on the road by initiating a number of carbon reduction alternatives for our families and staff. Including, carpooling contests, bike to school days, and a PHS bus that transports students to and from school. 

Climate Change Committee and Personal Interest Projects: ​For students who gravitate towards elevated interest in climate change mitigation and leadership, PHS offers many additional opportunities. Formed 6 years ago, middle school students can join the CCC and take on extra work and curriculum extensions analyzing our campus's ecological footprint.