Flexible Tuition at Presidio Hill
At Presidio Hill School, we are committed to ensuring our education is accessible to families from diverse financial backgrounds. Our flexible tuition model is designed to offer personalized support based on each family’s unique circumstances.
Full tuition at PHS is $41,300 for TK-2nd Grades, and $42,400 for 3rd - 8th Grades.
We reserve a significant portion of our flexible tuition budget for our sixth-grade entry point.
What's Included in All Tuition Rates:
- All books, supplies, classroom materials
- Field trips (including overnight trips in grades 3-8)
- Classroom technology and individual Chromebooks in the middle school
- Athletic uniforms
- Yearbooks
What does Flexible Tuition Pro-Rate:
- The one-time new student enrollment fee
- Daily Choice Lunch program (depends on FT level)
- After-school care
- One enrichment specialty class per term
- Athletic Fees
- Summer Camp
- Out-of-school services (tutoring, occupational therapy, speech therapy, etc.) *
- PHS Bus Program *
What does Flexible Tuition Not Include:
- Private music lessons
* Limited funds available
Sample Scenarios of Flexible Tuition
Note: The scenarios presented are for illustrative purposes only and do not guarantee specific tuition outcomes. Flexible tuition is determined based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to household income, assets, family size, and other financial obligations. Each family's contribution is calculated on an individual basis using information provided through the Clarity tool. For more details on how flexible tuition is determined, please refer to our flexible tuition policy or contact our admission office.
Family A | Family B |
Two-parent household, both working full-time, with one child attending PHS. The household income is $150,000 and they rent their house. This family qualifies for about an 80% reduction, bringing their tuition to $9,000 for their child. |
Two-parent household, both working full-time, with two children attending PHS. The household income is $365,000 and they own their house. After applying for flexible tuition, this family qualifies for about a 15% reduction, paying $35,500 per child annually. |
Family C | Family D | ||
Two-parent household, both working full-time, with two children attending PHS. The household income is $320,000 and they rent their house. This family qualifies for about a 50% reduction, bringing their tuition to $22,000 for each child. |
Flexible Tuition Checklist for New Families
FT Tech Support
Clarity Family Information Webinar (Dec 10th 5:30PST)
PHS will also host an in-person workshop for any families needing navigation assistance with the Ravenna application platform or the Clarity website to apply for Flexible Tuition on January 8th, from 3-5 pm. School computers will be available for the session, if needed.
Helpful Information
Clarity Family Application Guide