Endowed Funds
The Endowment for Presidio Hill School is an exciting part of our school's future. The endowment began modestly, with an initial contribution in 2007 of over $85,000 in honor of former Head of School Carey Davis. In Presidio Hill School's Centennial Year (2018), an anonymous donor made a gift of $1,000,000, the largest donation to our school outside of a Capital Campaign. This gift established our Faculty and Staff Endowment which helps PHS attract, support, and retain our incredible faculty and staff so that generations of students can learn from expert progressive educators.
Also in 2018, a gift was made in honor of former parent and trustee Robyn Eickman (parent of Martin Mulkeen '94), to establish our Flexible Tuition Endowment. This endowed fund helps ensure that Presidio Hill School can continue to offer a progressive education to families with a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds. This, in turn, increases the diversity of our student body and enhances the experience for all of our community members.
Our endowment funds support specific goals that align with our mission and vision, safeguard our diverse and inclusive community, and ensure our long-term stability.
If you are interested in learning more about supporting our Faculty and Staff Endowment, our Flexible Tuition Endowment, or our Unrestricted Endowment, please contact Adrienne Moon, Director of Development, at 415-213-8606 for more information.